Now that the semester is in full swing, we have a lot of things coming up:
- Find out the best ways to locate articles for your assignments in our Library Skills workshop. We have three this month: Friday 10/11 from 9 - 10 am, Wed 10/17 at 4:50 - 5:50 pm and Tues 10/22 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Visit our Library Workshop Page to sign up today!
- Our Read 2 Succeed series on the book A Child Called "It": One Child's Courage to Survive continues on October 24th from 12:50 - 1:50pm in CSS 217 Participate in discussions and watch videos about this interesting book.
- We also have a Citation Workshop on Friday October 25th from 10 - 11am. Sign up today!
Also, if you can't make it to the library, there are scholarly articles and books available at home as well as our 24-7 reference help. Just check out our
Norco College Library Access 24-7 page to see what's available.